Past pilgrimages

Leadership pilgrimages – Italy and the UK


Turkey Pilgrimage

Celtic Christianity Pilgrimage


Click here for Slide Show for 2023 Pilgrimage.


Click here for Slide Show for 2018 Pilgrimage.

Click here for summary of 2018 Pilgrimage

Click here for Notes on Celtic Christianity prepared by Rev John Hornblow


Click here for Slide Show for 2017 Pilgrimage.


Comments from some on the pilgrimage in May 2015

Travel with John and Jenny is more about pilgrimage than tourism – with all the joys and challenges of a community on a journey together. Well worth it!

My experience of this pilgrimage has been enlightening and transformative. I have enlarged my world view in terms of faith and connection with God. I highly recommend such an experience.

A fabulous experience, which will affect the rest of my life, and encourage me to push for Christian Unity.

An excellent way to follow in the footsteps of Jesus in Israel and the early Church in Rome.

Travelling on pilgrimage with Jenny and John is like travelling in a warm family group: it is a supportive, safe, worshipful environment that allows the pilgrim to experience deeply. Highly recommended!

Planting a Granny Smith apple tree and other experiences